Saturday, March 11, 2006

Our friend Epin and her daughter Hana, who is also from Wenzhou, show us on the map where Madison is waiting for us. We can't wait for Madison and Hana to meet. Again. We are certain that our daughters were playmates.

This is Aidan, Madison's nephew and my grandson. He decided to come into the world 5 weeks early. He weighted in at a whopping 6 lbs and 19 in long. He and his Mommy, my daughter Elisha, are doing great!

Inside the referral packet were two more wonderful photos of Madison.

Meet Jason and John. These are the
FedEx drivers who went out of their
way to make sure the referral packet
was received early on March 1.

We began our adoption journey on February 8, 2005. Nearly 13 months later we were blessed with news and photos of our beautiful dauther. In her orphanage in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, our Madison is known as Yu Wen. Please follow us as we travel to China to bring Madison home. Madison was born on December 11, 2004. Today she is 15 months old. We are excited and thrilled beyond words, but we are sad with each passing day that we are apart from our beautiful daughter.