Madison and I went to Denver last week to meet friends and go to our adoption agency's annual picnic. We had a great time and were happy to meet face to face many of our friends: Hana (both she and Madison are from Wenzhou), Shayna, Talicee, Sun and Lydia. Madison did quite well traveling, but was not really interested in many of the outings due to being tired or over-stimulated.
I did not get to take alot of pictures. Traveling single with a 2.5 year old does not present much opportunity to take photos. Hopefully I will get some from my friends.
Abby and Madison: Abby was in our travel group to China. She was the youngest in our travel group. We also saw Lily at the picnic, but sadly was unable to get a photo of the three girls together.
Ready for Dinner at the White Fence Farm. Madison was not sure about the animals and insisted they were all "Good Dogs".
Epin helps Madison get water to wash her hands after petting the goat.
How much fun can three girls have with a bucket. Madison with Hana and Talicee.
Talicee, Madison and Hana looking at Shayna in the playpen.
Madison and Talicee enjoying noodles.